Sunday 20 September 2009

Bike Furniture

This amazing querky furniture has been made entirely from recyled (pardon the pun) bikes, from handle bars to tyres. The primary designer for this range Andy Gregg was inspired by his work on bikes and in bike shops. The furniture created is marketed as contemporary and comfortable, and would certainly be a statement piece in any living room. I love the way a passion for bikes can be turned into furniture, two seemingly totally different areas. It shows that a good designer can create something really interesting design wise for something everyday. The key to these designs is the designers love of the objects in the first place.


  1. I think this is really interesting! Reminds me of some furniture I saw on Dragon's Den recently, and have written a blog about: I've got to admit, I prefer this Bike furniture though!

  2. This is so clever, definitely an original and artistic way to promote recycling.
