Monday, 3 August 2009

The Suits

Very recently I have become a member of the working world (I’m currently on a months work placement). On the way to work I have noticed that I have become one of the faceless masses, driving or walking to work. Shirts and ties and smartness, everybody avoiding eye contact, seemingly robotic. This, I admit intimidated me greatly for a couple of days, all these suits, people who must be powerful and important and far more knowledgeable than me. Though this changed on my third day as I gradually noticed the more endearing and human qualities of ‘the suits’, firstly, they all carry a packed lunch. Whether in bags or briefcases or in a plastic bag which barley hides the distinctive shape of a Tupperware box (these people are my favourite,) they openly show what the rest of us are hiding. That we made our lunches, and that we planned our day around the food we shall eat, sometimes we get excited. Sometimes if it’s Friday, we will bring a treat. The basic human need for food reminded me of the human in all the suits, maybe I do not have the knowledge yet, or perhaps never will. But the slim sign that everyone takes in their Tupperware, their banana and a sandwich, whatever. It gives me hope.

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