Pepsi has recently launched the latest of its products Pepsi RAW. Named so as Pepsi claims it to be “natural born cola”, a concept which is alien to me as I can’t wrap my head around cola being natural, is the whole point of it not to be artificial, to be sweet, to be fizzy and to be fun. Not to be natural, water is natural, water is boring. Pepsi is neither natural nor boring. Though a “sparkling cola drink with natural plane extracts” edges towards a more mature market, a business man at his desk, not the usual teen playing football. Pepsi is perhaps venturing into this market with the RAW range being its first new product in 10 years. The advertising is certainly aimed at a more mature audience with distinct sexual undertones, a obvious link to the ‘raw’ and ‘natural’ key themes of the product.
The packaging harks back to a simpler time for cola, a sleek glass bottle, a simple logo. It is classic and elegant; the six packs come in almost brown paper. I really like this packaging, it is touchable it is wholesome, I wanted to buy it. Even though, dare I say it, my preference for Coca Cola.
The packaging harks back to a simpler time for cola, a sleek glass bottle, a simple logo. It is classic and elegant; the six packs come in almost brown paper. I really like this packaging, it is touchable it is wholesome, I wanted to buy it. Even though, dare I say it, my preference for Coca Cola.
I did work experience for the company that Design the packaging for PepsiCo. It was intended to be marketed as a healthy alternative to caffeine based drinks such as red bull and relentless whilst still being a cola. Its clear glass bottle aligns it with the classical Coca Cola BUT the can is the same cola as the drink to create continuity.